
Somos la tercera generación en el oficio de picapedrero con años de experiencia dedicados al mundo de la piedra, cuidando con detalle el arte de trabajarla y colocarla.

Donec tincidunt ipsum urna, sit amet finibus sapien consectetur eget. Sed luctus, odio non tempor vehicula, sapien nibh fringilla nisl, at vestibulum lorem lacus non diam. Nunc et porttitor magna, ac egestas urna.

Cras ex metus, rhoncus sit amet neque semper, commodo aliquet massa. Sed elementum massa eget enim efficitur elementum. Nulla consequat libero enim, ultrices ullamcorper mauris scelerisque ac. Ut a faucibus quam, vitae convallis magna. Nam non mattis quam. Integer viverra porta tortor, a venenatis quam egestas ut.

Aliquam at metus maximus, feugiat dui vitae, lacinia nibh. Duis lorem mauris, maximus vitae iaculis vel, blandit eu nulla. Mauris suscipit velit ac justo ultricies imperdiet. Vivamus elementum aliquam dui, eu ornare nulla tempus eget. Sed nisi arcu, egestas in consectetur quis, tempus nec nibh.

Defaulting to Mindfulness

Everything along the way, to and from, fascinated her: every pebble, ant, stick, leaf, blade of grass, and crack in the sidewalk was something to be picked up, looked at, tasted, smelled, and shaken. Everything was interesting to her. She knew nothing. I knew everything…been there, done that. She was in the moment, I was in the past. She was mindful. I was mindless.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Logan CeeEnvato Author

Both of these assumptions, of course, could be entirely false. Self-censoring is firmly rooted in our experiences with mistakes in the past and not the present. The brain messages arising from those experiences can be deceptive.